I am delighted to welcome you to the Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School website. We are a small, caring and inclusive single form entry school in Rothwell which is a market town in the south-east of the City of Leeds. Our school community is built around our core value, love.
Love. Believe. Achieve
“We love because God loved us first” 1 John 49
We are incredibly proud that Ofsted recognised us as a ‘good’ school at our last inspection (June 2019). We are even prouder that our strong sense of community, in which all our children feel valued and are able to achieve their full potential, was also acknowledged.
Our strong sense of community, and the importance we place on relationships, is evident in how we work closely with: other schools within our Trust and within our local area; with external agencies and with our school families. We value our relationships with our parents and carers, the contribution they make to school life and recognise that effective partnerships are essential.
We know that every child is unique and offer our pupils as many opportunities as possible to embrace their personal strengths both inside and outside the classroom. We challenge our pupils in their learning and help them to develop positive attitudes to learning, and the skills and knowledge they need to be safe, successful and healthy.
On a daily basis we truly live out the phrase “small school big heart” because above all we care. We hope you will find our website informative and that it provides you with a sense of how special our school is.
I welcome you to visit our school to see us living, believing and achieving, and to experience for yourself that we are small school with a big heart!
Abbey Multi Academy Trust
c/o Chapter House
Abbey Grange Church of England Academy
Butcher Hill
LS16 5EA
Registered Company Number: 07705552