Staff Profile

Helen Pratten
Co-CEO/Executive Principal Primary

Helen became Co-CEO in January 2020 following twelve months in the role of interim Co-CEO. Helen also retains her post as Executive Principal (Primary) within Abbey MAT.

In her role as Co-CEO, Helen is responsible for leading the regulatory and operational arm of the organisation through her strategic leadership of the corporate services team (finance, governance, HR and IT). Helen is also the accounting officer of the Trust ensuring that governance arrangements are in line with the requirements of Companies House and the ESFA and to ensure the sound financial management of the Trust. Key responsibilities of this role include:

In her Executive Principal role, Helen works across the five primary academies in the Trust to ensure progress has been made on Trust wide priorities, to drive improvements to secure improved outcomes and to support leaders in building professional cultures within their academies. Working in partnership with the Co-CEO/Director of Education, Helen supports leaders in ensuring that they have robust academy development plans with clear actions and supports with the academy annual reviews which provide the opportunity to evaluate the quality of education.

Prior to becoming Executive Principal, Helen was the Headteacher of St.Chad’s CE Primary one of the founder primaries within the Trust. Helen is passionate about providing children with as many exciting experiences as possible and in maintaining a positive, caring and stimulating environment for staff and children whose ideas and creativity are valued. Helen ensures that leaders fulfil the Trust’s core purpose to educate the whole child; uniting excellence and academic rigour with spiritual, social, moral and cultural development promoting ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).

In addition to her role within Abbey MAT, Helen is a local leader of education for Teamworks Teaching School Alliance, is a pupil premium reviewer and is a foundation governor at a diocesan Church of England primary school.

Name & Registered Office:

Abbey Multi Academy Trust
c/o Chapter House
Abbey Grange Church of England Academy
Butcher Hill
LS16 5EA
Registered Company Number: 07705552